2025 for 2025 CAMPAIGN
This is a trust fund for the profession supported by the profession. Research and academic support are vital to our profession and since 1977 the COETF has supported optometric research, education, growth and professional development through unrestricted cash awards of over two million dollars to qualified applicants.
Help us reach 2025 UNIQUE donors by 2025 who each donate a total of $2025.00.
Donate to any of our funds below as a one time donation, monthly recurring donations, or annual recurring donations!
Why Lend Your Support?
The COETF is a trust fund for the profession supported by the profession. Research and academic support are vital to our profession and since 1977 the COETF has supported optometric research, education, growth and professional development through unrestricted cash awards of over two million dollars to qualified applicants.
The Trust Fund is opening doors for new ideas that will resonate throughout the profession. The charitable donation you give now will go a long way to making us stronger and better equipped to face the future of health care in Canada.
In this climate of economic flux, it only makes sense to support a charity that is working to enhance and grow your profession. The COETF positively impacts the optometry profession through the initiatives listed below.
COETF Annual Awards Program
Research and academic support are vital to our profession. Since inception, Canadian Optometric Education Trust Fund (COETF) have provided more than $2million in funding through its Annual Awards program. The COETF has supported:
• Research and/or specialized education programs carried out by graduate students;
• Investigative projects conducted by undergraduates;
• Faculty development at Canada's schools of optometry;
• Projects undertaken by independent practitioners or members of the public.
The Optometric Education Trust Fund supports ground level development by giving grants to qualified applicants who are doing valuable research. Some of these research projects will have impacted you already whether you know it or not, and as health care becomes more of an issue in Canada research and development will be invaluable.
In addition to annual awards, the COETF has separately approved financial support for institutions. Most notably, the COETF approved a $250,000 donation to the capital campaign for the expansion of the School of Optometry, University of Waterloo. This brings the total financial support since inception to well over $2 million.
Optometric research needs your support now. We ask that you make a donation today.

The Dorrie Morrow Memorial Fund
COETF and Dr. Susan Joe are proud to announce a Memorial Fund in memory of Dr. Dorrie Morrow. While studying optometry at the University of Waterloo, Dr. Morrow developed a special interest in children’s vision, particularly for marginalized and at-risk children who did not have access to regular vision care. Throughout her professional life, children’s vision remained her passion and is one of her defining legacies.
At the request of Dr. Morrow’s colleagues and friends, COETF has established a fund for research grants in the area of children’s vision health to recognize Dr. Morrow’s contributions to the profession; particularly, her passion for children’s vision. Dr. Morrow’s legacy will continue through the provision of financial support to optometric students, new graduates and researchers who demonstrate a similar interest in and commitment to children’s vision.
With your donations, COETF can help support:
Students demonstrating an interest and excellence in paediatric vision care and vision therapy who wish to further their studies in this area;
Researchers focused in any area of paediatric vision including but not limited to:
The effects of excessive device use and blue light on the development of children’s eyes;
Ocular development;
research into myopia management; and
Testing procedures and therapies for children with disabilities or who are nonverbal;
An optometrist who provides paediatric vision care and vision therapy to underserviced populations by providing mobile equipment and therapy programs not utilized in a general optometric practice. Emphasis would be on remote or rural communities, Indigenous, or marginalized communities.

David McKenna Memorial Scholarship
In 2018, Canadian Optometric Education Trust Fund (COETF) set up two annual David McKenna Scholarships with the École d’optométrie, Université de Montréal and the School of Optometry and Vision Science, University of Waterloo. The criteria for the scholarships were developed as a reflection of David McKenna’s values and interests. The criteria considered include:
Academic excellence of 80%
Exhibited leadership skills and community involvement
Any Maritimes based student will be considered with a preference to those based in PEI.
2018: Charles Blanchard
2019: Monica Hebert
2020: N/A
2022: Emilie Lagace
2018: Jessica Woods
2019: N/A
2020: Alycia Cooper
2021: Simo Liu
2022: Thomas (Tom) Gillis

The Dr. Margaret Hansen des Groseilliers Leadership Award
COETF was saddened to hear of the recent passing of Dr. Margaret des Groseilliers. Please take a moment to review her powerful obituary highlighting so many of her accomplishments in her full life. Please click here.
Each year, a $500 bursary is awarded by COETF in honour of Dr. Margaret Hansen des Groseilliers, past Chair, COETF. The busary is awarded to a student at the School of Optometry and Visual Science, University of Waterloo in recognition of leadership skills.
Congratulations to the following recipients:
University of Waterloo:

University of Montreal:
2023: Élizabeth Lapointe
Your charitable donations to the COETF foster growth and promote research in Canada. All money raised goes back into your profession and you will receive a charitable receipt for your donation. Currently COETF does not receive funding from corporate sponsors.
CRA Charity Registration # 118834852