The COETF Annual Awards Program for 2022
The Canadian Optometric Education Trust Fund (COETF) was created in 1976 to assist programs in research, education and human resources development in the vision and eye care field in Canada.
Through its annual Awards Program, the COETF has supported faculty development, research and/or specialized education programs carried out by graduate students and investigative projects conducted by undergraduates and faculty at Canada's schools of optometry, as well as projects undertaken by independent practitioners or members of the public.
In 2022, the COETF received a total 14 applications. Of those, 11 were granted at least partial funding totalling $25,000 for projects or research. In most cases, applicants are not given full funding as the total amount of funding requested greatly exceeds the money available for granting. Awards funding is based on the revenue from interest earned over the previous year and the donations received from Canadian Optometrists.
Research and academic support are vital to our profession. The Trust Fund is opening doors for new ideas that will resonate throughout optometry in Canada. The COETF is self-funded by optometrists and we are proud that COETF has provided more than $2million in research funding since 1977. Please give generously and often. Your support will go a long way to making us
stronger and better equipped to face the future of health care in Canada. To donate online or download a donation form please click here.
The deadline for applications each year is in early February. For additional information about the application process or a copy of the application form, contact coetf@outlook.com
The COETF Annual Awards Program for 2022 – Results
School of Optometry, University of Waterloo
School of Optometry, Montréal
Total Applications Received
Total Waterloo School of Optometry
Total Montréal École d’Optométrie
Total for 2022
Total Funding Requested
$ 103,890.00
Total Applications Approved
Total Funding provided
$ 20,500.00
$ 4,500.00
$ 25,000.00
Totals (since inception)