The COETF Annual Awards Program for 2014
The Canadian Optometric Education Fund (COETF) received a total 25 applications for awards in 2014. Of those, 20 were granted at least partial funding for projects or research. In most cases, applicants are not given full funding as the total amount of funding requested greatly exceeds the money available for granting. Awards funding is based on the revenue from interest earned over the previous year.
All award recipients are required to submit an interim report on their project and a final report upon completion. In an effort to recognize some of the projects and research being done by COETF award recipients the Awards Committee will publish project reports in the Canadian Journal of Optometry (CJO) so that our members across the country can learn more about where COETF funding goes, as well as highlighting exciting optometric research.
The COETF was created in 1976 by the members of the Canadian Association of Optometrists to assist programs in research, education and human resources development in the vision and eye care field in Canada.
Through its annual program of Awards, the COETF has supported faculty development, research and/or specialized education programs carried out by graduate students and investigative projects conducted by undergraduates and faculty at Canada's schools of optometry, as well as projects undertaken by independent practitioners or members of the public. The deadline for applications each year is in early February. For additional information about the application process or a copy of the application form, contact
The COETF Annual Awards Program for 2014
Alghami, M (PhD Program) “Vision Training to Improve Mobility and Prevent Falls”
Babu, R.J. (Post Doc) “Measurement of suppression in amblyopia and training using an iPod based game platform”
Cheung, S (Master’s Degree Program) “Covalently binding a novel proteoglycan to enhance the wettability of commercially available hydrogel contact lens materials”
Dalton, K., Hutchings, N., Simpson, T. (Undergraduate research) “Investigation of the validity and repeatability of a novel system designed for the measurement of dynamic visual acuity”
Dantam, J (Post Doc Fellow) “Impact of contact lens care solutions on bacterial adhesion to different contact lens materials”
Haines, L (Master’s Degree Program) “Retrospective study of scleral contact lens fitting”
Iley, M (Master’s Degree Program) “Investigation of the effects of mild traumatic brain injury on visual function, visual-motor coordination and postural stability in children”
Labhishetty, V (Master’s Degree Program) “Accommodation and myopia”
Labreche, T., Steenbakkers, M. “Development of visual risks for falls questionnaire”
Ngo, W (Master’s Degree Program) “Imaging meibomian glands with OCT”
Omali, N.B. (Post Doc Fellow) “Morphological changes of meibomian gland cell orifices in normals and in patients with meibomian gland dysfunction”
PHAN, C-M (PHD Program) “In vitro uptake and release of natamycin using cyclodextrin functionalized contact lens materials hydrogel contact lens materials”
Raveendran, R.N. (PHD Program) “Eye movements in strabismus“
Walther, H (PHD Program) “In vitro cholesterol uptake on daily disposable contact lenses”
Won, G-J (PHD Program) “The development of an antibody-directed enzyme prodrug to target and soften the crystalline lens in vivo”
Yang, M “Lipid layer thickness pre and post lid scrubs with tea tree oil wipes”
Hanssens, J-M “Shelf life of diagnostic ophthalmic drops in an optometry clinic”
Kergoat, H., Irving, E.L. “Convergence insufficiency and Parkinson’s disease”
Lacroix, Z., Leger, S (Optometry Students) “Comparison of eyelid warming devices”
Chiarelli, C “Office-based vison therapy clinic”
Total Waterloo School of Optometry Applications
Total Montréal École d’Optométrie Applications
Total Independent Practitioner Applications
Total Applications for 2014
Total Awards for 2014
$ 48,400.00
$ 110,886.40
$ 14,800.00
$ 8,606.00
$ 87,480.40
Total Applications (since inception)
Total Awards (since inception)
COEFT Reports
In an effort to highlight some of the projects and research by COETF award recipients, the COETF Trustees and Awards Committee have selected project reports to be published in the Canadian Journal of Optometry (CJO). COETF funded research, when completed and peer-reviewed may be published in the CJO and other journals. The COETF reports are intended to provide relevant information for the benefit of our readers and to showcase the high calibre of optometric research funded by COETF, Canadian optometry's charity. Research and academic support are vital to our profession. COETF is our charity and needs our contributions, now more than ever. Please give generously and often. To donate online or download a donation form, visit: